The Bigfoot Field Guide to Campers

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While there are many dangerous creatures in the forest, there’s one species that Bigfoot fears most: campers! They’re smelly and noisy, and they make a mess of everything. Thankfully, Bigfoot has ten simple guidelines sure to keep anyone safe from these interlopers. Only, when he slips up on Guideline #2 – ”Never, EVER allow yourself to be seen by a camper“ – Bigfoot’s surprised to find himself ignoring his own advice to help one who’s lost. Could it be he’s had the wrong idea about campers all along?

In this fresh, flipped take on Bigfoot, readers discover how reconsidering what we think we know about others can be a great way to make a friend. Jami Gigot’s hilarious storytelling features text describing what not to do playfully juxtaposed with art that completely contradicts it!